Sunday, February 06, 2005


Free n Easy 一日游 300105

只要区区的$10[$2 for each trip on n fro...and $6 for bicycle rental],就能享受海、沙滩、阳光和大自然,你说好不好? =)

话说那天,有好几年没到乌敏岛的我们(Dax, Weishen and me)决定到那去回味以往在那里 camping, trekking, cycling 的日子。(由於把整个 trip 的过程写完会非常非常非常的长, hee...所以我把一些令我们比较惊讶和奇特的事记载以下就好了)

也许大家知道现在有一个美美的 jetty to take the bumboats across to Ubin. 我们也非常好奇与兴奋去看看那个新的 jetty 有什么不同; but 所看见的竟然是我们没有想象到的!

Jetty 有电梯!有 Arrival Hall! 有警察和 scanning gantry! WAAAH...什么屁嘛 come so many extra extras 的东西

The next thing that we found out on the island was that: 这个小小的岛屿


放我出去! =P

为了防范 illegal immigrants, they put up all these...真是太不可思议了...


Other than the 'shocking' finds, some places never changed...just like the scenic lake =) and we found fishy-fishies in it too

It was a lucky day because our normally dear fierce-some peacock (which likes to use it sharp beak to try 'tok' ple outside its cage) spreaded its feathers for!!

Ever seen a peacock's back view with open feathers...hoo hoo haa haa...its a *yucky* sight...hehhehh...

At the end of the round-island tour, we set down for some 清凉爽口的椰子水和椰肉 =)
请不要眨眼,what you are seeing is correct...yups! 8 coconuts shared by 3 persons!! Haha, these are Thai coconuts which were selling at $1.50 each. There's a sign which says Buy 7 Get 1 Free, and so we went for that deal~! Flesh and juicy indeed~!

End of the day, 3 very satisfied customers for the coconuts and ultimately, a very memorable and enjoyable trip. =)

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