Tuesday, April 05, 2005



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Nobody can stop me!

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Let's combine!


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I will stop you!

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Hohoho! You can't stop me!!

*erhem* jus letting imagination run wild =P

omg. ur job is freaking lobo eh? jennifer and i were just gossiping about you. hyak hyak...
yoz, since you are so free, how come never go better utilise the time by going to find a date for the comms ball??
我想我们一定是同年代的人!你中学时爱看《七龙珠》吧?我比较喜欢悟空小时候的那一部分,很可爱也很好笑 :)
~kay~ hello!! good to hear from u! =) i see tt u haf a blog...i link u up yea~! =)

'job freakin lobo?!?!'wahh~u post like dat v the political incorrect leh...ple will think i v slack u noe!! but tt is not true hor...haa

aiyo...y gossip abt me?!? haa...wat u 2 say ah??!! *scared* =P

then huh, i realised leh...how come we always know a 'jennifer' ah...haa...so coincidental de...last time aso 'jennifer'...now also 'jennifer'...^^"
~芦苇~ 哇~同年代的人...起初看了感觉好好...直到你说你中学是看...哇 =/ 我小学就看七龙珠 *sobs* 我想我一定是比你还老...so sad...im getting old!! =(

哈哈...不过话说回来,yea 也许我们年龄相差不远吧!的确,你列出的那些漫画都是当时漫画界家喻户晓的名儿!


呵呵...我是79的,你呢?或说女人的年龄是秘密?!?=P 若是如此,到可以让我知道我是否比你老哦。

的确,收集漫画会‘破财’的!所以我有些 collection 早已是 overdue 了。
哈哈~ 一样老!
~芦苇~ 哈哈...原来如此!=) 怪不得那么好谈。呵呵...你有 msn 或是 friendster 可以 add 的吗? 我的 email 是: phantomjus@yahoo.com.sg
~芦苇~ 呵呵...现‘警告’一下下...我的 msn 不是这个 email add...呵...msn 的是 turbojoo@pacific.net.sg =)
2 jennifers are quite a lot aye? Oh, there's another one, Jennifer Tan the econs/ council teacher.
Planning to meet Jennifer Teo soon. Wanna come along?
~kay~ haa, wah~u really noe many jenniferSss. oh, ehh, come along ah, qn is does she mind/wan meet me or not leh...haa
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