Wednesday, June 14, 2006


A Day In NYP

1) NYP...made infamous by the name tammy...we were wondering if our eyes will ever meet the 'famous' gal...all eyes searching: where is tammy...

2) After lunch...lecture on Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
the only thing tt perked me up for a while was the way the lecturer pronounced the name 'boo1-tuuth4'...boy tt was real funnie!

3) So what do students do when they are distracted? I saw that the ring binder could actually turn into heart-shapes under lighting condition, so I started snapping...
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

4) Since we were on 'boo-tuuth', he demonstrated how to use 'boo-tuuth' to transfer vid clip from hp to comp...everyone jus whispered and smiled alot after tt...'tammy tammy tammy...'

haiyo.... tammy again....
tammy changed hair colour and hair style liaoz... wahaha....

nyp sux~~~ sick of it liaoz... haha...
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